Monday, 12 March 2012

The world we live - I am so confused could the little people be rising up



All at sea in a troubled world Picture from The Leading Villas Bali
I am so confused, so much so that I am agog at the world as we have it today, what has happened that has caused so many contrasts in behaviour?

We have a US army troop sneaking out of his barracks late one night, he is armed to the teeth and commits the most heinous crimes against humanity, actions that beggar belief!  What on earth possessed him to do this? Could it be the Afghan people in general have not seen the ‘American dream’ or any shift in the power to the people that they expected after their liberation from the Taliban.  No doubt what they have seen is a corrupt government propped up by the so called American liberators.  Where is democracy in all of this, where was the change for the good?  No doubt the women folk have felt their release from oppression, but how far do they have to go to get true democracy and not this sham of a puppet government.  My suspicion in all of this is that the afghan people have not shown due respect to the American and probably will not do this until they get free and fair elections and that they remove those allegedly corrupt greedy individuals who are running their country..

I am also shocked and horrified, on one hand we have Syria and its authoritarian government hell bent on staying in power at all costs, to the point that they have murdered allegedly 8,000 of their citizens, this is shocking.  A question comes to mind - How is it we have carte blanch to defend Libya with air strikes, on the ground military guidance, yet we are completely powerless in the Syria situation?  How is it that Russia and China raised their objections here and vetoed any support or assistance, yet, they allowed Libya to go ahead?  Sorry but I am a cynic, could it be oil in which case back door deals were done with dissenting nations to ensure their support for any crucial vote of Libya intervention.  Syria has no oil so no one had any heart to negotiate with a give or take deal.  On behalf of the 8,000 shame on all of you. 

What happened to 'love thy neighbour'
Why after we gave so much to Libya to support their freedom and democracy aspirations have they turned on us and desecrated our war graves? The world is a complete muddle to me and continuing to be.  We seem to have learned nothing from their or indeed our behaviour. The people of this world know that no one helps anybody without their being something in it for them and we are the most greedy of all, in short no one cares, what happened to love thy neighbour?

When I was a lad some 40 years ago someone once said to me that for Capitalism to survive it needed Communism. Well I am not sure about the ramifications of that statement but you know the world was a much more balanced place when we had the so called evil empire with all its partitions.  It seemed to me that no one stepped out of line then and we all enjoyed a reasonable existences and one that was based on a form of community and not selfish greed.  

What we had was an America that indeed supported nations across the globe for fear that these nations would fall to the communists.  But here again we had the conflict of manipulation verses friendly support, Indonesia under Suharto was no doubt kept in place as the west needed the shipping lanes free from harm around South East Asia.  No doubt the shah of Iran was at one point friendly to the west, until he crossed us.  Iraq and Saddam was kept in place as they balanced the aspirations of Iran.  No doubt people have long memories and when the next empire emerges and the American subsides will there be fond memories of the so called globalization goals under the American flag.  I suspect not.  The British gave the English Language, an Infra-structure and the rule of law based on the English judicial system.  America well the best they gave was McDonald’s, this is perhaps harsh as America is a great innovator and a great deal of technology has emerged from those shore, sadly for America I suspect much of this is being copied.

For me I am a Thatcher child I guess, I benefited from the greed that was presented to me under the Thatcher years. But I am somewhat older now and I wonder where this will all lead, I have to say I am a little concerned because sadly the world does not trust each other and we have nothing to build that trust on.  Right now I feel that the world is a more dangerous place today than ever it was when there were 100’s of nuclear missiles trained on Greenham common England, a place I lived only 2 miles from.

Don't get me wrong I am not at all anti American quite the reverse nor am I pro anything other than I would like to see the civil liberties that are enjoyed in one place to be passed to others.  I would also like to see a greater sense of community spirit, one that helps and looks out for each other, not this endless greed that we seem to have fostered in an unbridled way.  We somehow need balance and trust to be brought back into the equation.

One thought – It was Dr M of Malaysia who once said “Globalisation will fail”  Well for me it looks really shaky. 

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